Tuesday, April 22, 2008

The Quiet Things That No One Ever Knows

Senior prom is this weekend and the faculty at school is just pounding their propaganda into our heads. It's only Tuesday and I can't begin to tell you how many stories have been told to us about "the day after". Even now as I am writing this blog, my teacher pulled all of us aside and started preaching his gospel to us. It's touching almost to see how much these people care about us when most of us wouldn't give them a second thought.

I haven't been drunk since before my sixteenth birthday. I've had alcohol in these past two years but never enough to give me anything more than a slight buzz. I can't honestly say what it was that made me quit drinking like I used to; I didn't have a car wreck, I didn't knock some girl up, I didn't get arrested, and I didn't pass out in a parking lot. Maybe I just grew up.

I'm still on the fence about what I'm going to do in the next few months. All this talk of prom and graduation and finality has me pondering my next steps. I hope to cross a few things off my bucket list and maybe dig up some fire I buried a long time ago. I want to throw rocks at the moon and write my name in the stars.

As Buster "Rant" Casey once said: "We won't never be as young as we is tonight."


Anonymous said...

Your blog is awesome!

And hey I like brand new too haha :D

But yeah those teachers have been doing that. I too wonder what I'm going to do after graduation.

Just keep on truckin! Johnny boy


givmeliibertyorgivmedeath said...

hello john.

you might not know me. Im very mysterious and whitty..

but anywho..i like your blog...

its deep but yet still reminds me of a soft giggle of a little german school girl..