I always thought everyone was blowing smoke out their ass when they said the real sugar cokes are better than the normal ones until I drank one of these Mexican ones. It's amazing. It's the same, but different. Like a bed with new sheets, it's what you've been enjoying this whole time, but so much more comfortable. I need to see if I can start buying these in bulk before I have to open a line of credit at that gas station that sells bongs.
Anyways, I submitted some of my poems to a magazine a few weeks ago. No word yet on whether they've been accepted or not but I'm pretty hopeful. If they do get published, it's $300 minimum in my pocket. That'd be nice. Oh yeah, and being published would be nice too, I suppose.
Speaking of money, it's nice to finally have some. No more having to decide whether I want Ramen or Cheerios for dinner.
I heard Ray Akins got into trouble for something. Apparently him and Eddie Shauberger had some shady dealings or something. I don't really care about him anymore since he made his blog private a few months or weeks or whatever ago. OH WELL.
I heard Ray Akins got into trouble for something. Apparently him and Eddie Shauberger had some shady dealings or something. I don't really care about him anymore since he made his blog private a few months or weeks or whatever ago. OH WELL.
So I'm back in Liberty for the summer. I'm pretty damn bored. You might've figured that out by the fact that I'm making a blog post about Coke and shit. I don't even have my motorcycle since I didn't have a way to bring it home when I left. I'll probably go up this weekend and get it, though. I want to ride it back to Liberty but I'd need somebody to drive my truck back as well.
I want to spend some time in a foreign country. Like a month or something. Brazil would be dope but I don't know Portuguese. Ireland's up in my list too. I should find out their drinking age since a trip to Ireland without booze is like going to Amsterdam and not visiting a "tea" shop.
Amsterdam would be nice too.
Amsterdam would be nice too.
Ha, those cokes are awesome. I have some racks of them in my store.
I'm addicted to Houston Galleria Apartments - http://www.apartmentninjas.com/area-search/area/Houston-Galleria-Apartments.html
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